
A Boring Day

Today is May 12th, 2021. In 7 short days I'll be turning 38. Which means I've spent 17 years behind the wheel of a semi truck. Day after day. Mile after mile. I've traveled this beautiful country alone, cept for my dogs. Lately, as much as I love my job, I've been feeling the loneliness. I haven't been able to go home since Feb 24th, 2020. Since the beginning of covid. For fear I could potentially carry it to my father. Who lives at my house. I'm used to the solitude. I prefer it. But I like to be able to go home every once in awhile. Feel normal. Let my dogs run around. A lot as happened in the past year. My sister moved, and I don't know where because I haven't been home. My Nana contracted covid and died. My grandpa got sick with kidney failure and died. Tomorrow my dad is having cataract surgery. Many lives have been lost in the past year. Many people's lives have been turned upside down. Yet we're expected to keep going. To push through. I&#